Tuesday, October 22, 2013

TCB Part 23: Friday Still (cont.)

Go to the Beginning of the story

Higgs and Kostas climbed to the roof and handed their bags into the cabin of the airship. Kostas expertly climbed his way into the ship and extended an arm to Higgs. Inside the ship, they looked around at all the things they’d taken. There were dozens of sacks of valuables and stack after stack of gold bars lining the walls of the cabin. Higgs was satisfied with what they had. Not as much as it could have been, but good.
“Where are Phineas and Anabelle?” Dr. Montebanque asked.
“I sent Anabelle to be lookout, Phineas went after her. We wait only as long as we’re able.”
Dr. Montebanque nodded and went to his Winch, prepared to release it at Higgs’s command. They watched out the door as Charlotte began to untie the mooring ropes at the rear of the ship.
Just then, they saw Anabelle climbing up onto the roof of the car two in front of theirs. The ruffles of her dress flapped in the wind as she climbed on her hands and knees, keeping one hand gripped on the rail at the edge of the car. She bridged the gap to the next car and continued to work her way along.
Charlotte had finished with the cables and Kostas and Higgs reached down to pull her up into the ship. “No, wait.” Charlotte shouted over the rushing wind. She kept herself tied to the car and shouted to Anabelle. “Just a little further! You’re almost there!”
Anabelle continued to slowly make her way to the back. One more gap. When she was just about over the last gap, the train entered a curve and Anabelle was thrown to the side. She hung on with all her strength with both hands. The railing was the only thing keeping her from flying off the train and hitting the ground at 100 mph. Her legs were dangling off the edge of the train, and she was trying her hardest to pull herself up.
Dr. Montebanque shouted to Higgs. “I have to cut the cable. The tunnel is just ahead.”
“Hold on one minute!” Higgs shouted.
Anabelle looked up and saw Charlotte inching her way along the rail toward her. She reached the spot where Anabelle was hanging. Charlotte laid her body flat on the train car and clicked her magnetic heels onto the metal of the car. They stuck there firmly, and she extended both arms down to grab Anabelle’s arms. Charlotte pulled Anabelle onto the roof and together, they found their way back to the airship. After helping Anabelle onto the ship, Charlotte grabbed the ship’s runner with both hands.
“Go!” Higgs Shouted to Dr. Montebanque, and then reached down to grab Charlotte’s arm while Kostas grabbed the other.
Dr. Montebanque pulled the cable that unlatched the end of the cable from the railcar. The airship broke free of the train. Instantly, air resistance slowed it down rapidly. Higgs and Kostas Struggled to hold on to Charlotte. The airship was moving slower now, but still careening toward the point where the train entered a tunnel in the side of a hill.
“We can’t pull up. We’re too heavy.” Dr. Montebanque said, turning his head briefly toward Higgs before turning back and trying to steer the ship.
“Release more ballast!” Higgs shouted.
“The ballast is all gone.” Montebanque shouted.
“Release me.” Charlotte cried to Higgs and Kostsas.
“Ok.” Kostas said without hesitation, releasing Charlotte’s arm, leaving her to dangle in Higgs’s grasp.
“I’ll remind you that if we crash, the hydrogen in this ship is likely to explode!” Dr. Montebanque warned; the urgency in his voice was clear.
“I’ll be fine. I’ve got the rocketsuit.” She winked to Higgs.
He shook his head sadly and released her arm. She extended the wings and began to glide. The ship instantly began to lift upward over the hill. Higgs watched as Charlotte glided and crashed into the entrance of the tunnel. She fell in a heap next to the tracks.
“She crashed, we have to go back.” Higgs shouted to Dr. Montebanque.
“She must fend for herself.” Anabelle said, putting a hand on Higgs’s shoulder. “She’s tough, if she survived that crash, she’ll be better on her own than if we tried to get her. Beside, we can’t risk our own lives for her.”
Higgs nodded, accepting Anabelle’s logic, but still rattled that he’d just dropped a girl, possibly to her death. He knew it was for the best, but he hoped that she was ok. “To the airport, Everton.” He said, his voice devoid of emotion.
Dr. Montebanque piloted the ship to the airport, and for the moment, it appeared that their camouflage dye-job was successful in keeping them hidden from sight. As the ship lowered to the ground next to the boxcar, Kostas jumped out and tied the mooring ropes. The team unloaded the ship and filled the boxcar.
“What about the ship?” Anabelle asked. “We’ve got to do something about it.”
“Kostas?” Higgs looked to the burglar. “Can you make sure that there is no sign of this ship ever existing?”
“Okay, boss. It is my pleasure.” Kostas had a disturbing smile on his face. He jumped onto the ship, and went to work. He climbed onto the outside of the cabin, and attached a device to the side of the balloon. Five minutes later, he jumped to the ground with a satisfied look on his face. “It is ready.”
The team untied the mooring ropes and watched the ship drift into the air. It caught in the wind and drifted to the East, away from the city. Higgs remarked at how well camouflaged it was, almost disappearing from sight in a matter of minutes. The ship had served them well, and it was time to say goodbye.
Suddenly, the tiny spec in the sky became a fireball. Streamers of black smoke shot outward from the sides of the ship and smoke and flames billowed up from the explosion of the massive balloon. Kostas was nothing if not thorough. Surely, there would be nothing left of the ship.
The foursome climbed onto the train and began working the lever that propelled the train down the tracks toward a tunnel. A few hours of time, and they would have their take safely stashed in the safehouse subway station. As the car freely rolled down a slope and under the city, Higgs wanted to celebrate a successful heist, but somehow he couldn’t. He couldn’t help but wonder what would happen to his friends. For now, they would need to wait in the safehouse and hope to see Phineas and Charlotte again soon.

Part 24 >

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